
‘Cliff Hotel’
Laura Rubio

The sanctuaries always existed, as well as the castles settled in strategic points in the territory. In this case, a similar appropriation occurs in the most significant places in Braunwald's geography. In the cliffs, looking at Braunwald settlement and also the valley, a categorical but subtle architecture, as a modern sculpture, is born from the rocks.
Despite its unmistakable condition of a tourist place, it is not an environment to promote worldliness or social contact, but, to promote solitary meditation and silent gestures.
After the ascent towards the Ortstock mountain, a set of buildings on the top of the cliff, are arranged like a theatrical machinery between the visitor and nature, in which the protagonists are the mountains, the sky and the rocks. The visitor becomes an actor of the representation starring by the architecture, hidded among the rocks, and made from simple and delicate forms.
After exploring the complex, one experiences the contrast between the set of building born from the rocks, and the tectonic formality of the constructions, hanging from the cliff, that contains the rooms. The horizontal plates anchored to the rocks, although they pose a serious technical challenge, also involves human fulfillment in the formidable landscape of Braunwald, not only because it is framed by the architecture, but also because such conditions merge in this silent place, allowing us to see in architecture the realization of geography.

Location: Braunwald, 46.949765, 9.004014 (Your linked coordinate of your project)