
‘Monastery On The Edge’
Pavla Nesvadbikova

Access to Braunwald is possible only with funicular, which makes it place of mystery. One is standing in the valley and maybe is just sensing, that above him, on the terrace, a whole new world is spreading. Quietness, which one can experience only up there, is not just consequence of absence of ordinary sounds we are used to hear, but it hides also premise of relief from all everyday problems. Even if just for a while. Only up there can be one literally pulled out from reality.

For digital nomads, for wayfarers, for those who need some rest.

When there is long way behind me and I just want to rest and be with myself for a while. When I want to uprise above my problems and get some new perspective.
When everything around me is blurry but I need to be focused.

Then I will come to monastery on the edge.

Location: Braunwald, 46.949765, 9.004014 (Your linked coordinate of your project)