
Lauben - Retreat in Hätzingen, Glarus

Nico Flütsch

The concept of use is oriented to a base camp, as there are different opportunities for sports activities in the surrounding area The desired lake fits well into the landscape and the new infrastructure tries to think the village structure further. Different houses are set alternately on both sides of the lake. A smaller building facing south towards the lake completes the ensemble.

The house finds its inspiration in the arbor, it forms an intermediate zone or space. Climatically it is located in the middle and mostly no fixeduse is attributed to it. The combination of the base camp and the arbor is implemented in two similar typologies. In both of them people live according to the season and the spaces can be used in different ways. The inbetween zones serve as mediators between inside and outside.

For this purpose, the post-and-beam construction was used. A non-classical, but well-known and traditional construction method in Glarus. The infill of the post and beam construction in solid wood, is not only valuable in terms of room climate and ecology, but also allows a situational approach to the arrangement and execution of the individual rooms. Cross bracing, railings and awnings give the traditional post and beam construction a contemporary appearance and the further development of the of the tradition is continued.

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