
Hotel on a Curved Wall
Juliana Furrer

The hotel is located in Hätzingen Glarus by an artificial lake. On the one hand there is the presence of the beautiful nature – mountains, rocks,trees and rivers. On the other hand there is the village with its conventional Swissarchitecture housing style. This ambivalence gives the landscape its identity. What I like most is the subtle infrastructure that is slightly placed in thelandscape. There are utility poles, electro lines, little stone walls, steel bridgesor tiny wooden sheds. Sometimes even clouds are hanging delicately betweenthe mountains and seem to touch the trees. This condition influenced the idea of the hotel: It is an infrastructureplaced carefully in the landscape referring strongly to the place. It is made ofstamped concrete containing small stones that are dug out of the earth to makethe artificial lake. The main part of the hotel is embedded into a slope with anopen side towards the lake. Fourteen hotel rooms are lined up in a row thatnestle to the natural contour line of the landscape. To follow this curve, everysingle room is shifted by the width of one wall. This shift creates a privateouter space: a small platform that leads directly into the water. A continuous corridor connects the hotel rooms and leads on the onehand to the boat site, on the other hand to the sauna with a small bathing platform. Both ways end up in an open triangular roof. Inside the corridor thereare different light situations, created either through triangular open top lightsor openings towards the lake. One enters the corridor by three accesses fromabove which lead through the earth realm side of the corridor wall. This meandering corridor wall penetrates the earth vertically andappears in the landscape as a separation between the park and the lake side. The park is full of trees and a public space for the people of Hätzingen. In between the trees there is a delicate shelter made of steel and corrugatedsheet merging the main accesses and the reception. Last but not least there is a direct access down to the sauna and an open fireplace.

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